I Am A Writer – A Juggler of Words

word lover

I am a writer. There are no books lined up in bookstores with my name on them. But my words are floating all over cyber-space in various articles covering everything from how to have a creative baby shower to where to buy the best ear tags for cattle ranchers. I write for online businesses, and my clients have included baby products, pet supplies, a children’s book about dogs, and a closet organizing company.

But my favorite collections of words are found on faith websites and faith blogs. All writers have a love affair with words. I used to get distracted while looking up a word in a dictionary, because I was so curious about all the other words on the page. Now that I use an online dictionary I am able to just stay focused on the one word that I looked up. I love the way a writer can arrange and rearrange words to evoke a mood or introduce a brand new idea of thought to the reader.

My personal blog is a faith blog. My faith is a big part of who I am, even though I am not sure that it makes me any different from the person next door who does not realize that God loves them. We walk through our days in extremely similar ways. The main message of my blog is to assist believers who find themselves working really hard to gain God’s approval and acceptance. If they persist in this way of living, it will lead to bitterness and a harsh judgmental attitude. Picture SNL’s character of the church lady.

I am currently working on a short non-fiction book that addresses this tendency. If I ever complete my book, it may end up filling shelves at a bookstore. I don’t know. My book begins each chapter with a true story of my personal encounters with God over the years. My hope and desire is that the words that God used to convince me of His unconditional love, will also convince the readers of His shocking and ridiculous love for them.

The idea that my new arrangement of words on a page could change a life is astounding to me. But I know that is possible because I have been deeply affected and changed by words that I have read. Mere collections of letters set up in a certain order and spaced out to make a sentence, a paragraph and a book…what an extraordinary thing!

I am a writer. I am choosing to spend my days with words. Today my words will be about how to keep your closet clean and orderly. Tomorrow my words may be about how much God loves you. I will even be using some of the exact same words to say these two very different things! I love that! Susie Klein, Writer

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